Home > heavy duty soap dispenser

heavy duty soap dispenser

Heavy duty soap dispensers are usually for the places that are crowded and need the appliances to be heavy-duty so that the load of the work can be done effectively and immediately without causing any disturbance. This is exactly what a heavy-duty soap dispenser does. The heavy-duty soap dispenser comes in gold, silver, rose gold and black just like other dispensers offered by Fontana and a great variety of styles are also given to choose from. The dispensers are brass or nickel finished that make them appealing and make them rust free.

The Fontana products are workhorses with 5-year warranty and compatible plumbing making them fit to use immediately. The automatic heavy duty soap dispenser offers a touch-free usage making it easy to use with hand sensors and efficient working. These heavy duty dispensers are also available in manual quality if that suits your taste of washroom appliances.