Home > Brushed Gold Shower Head

Brushed Gold Shower Head

BathSelect®is offering the premium quality brushed gold shower head to be displayed in the commercial bathrooms. The brushed gold finish offers a contemporary appeal to the bathrooms. People prefer to install these brushed gold showerheads in airports, hospitals, spas, hotels, and other public resorts. It is because, for any kind of interior and design, such showerheads make a perfect match. BathSelect®is offering showerheads of numerous styles and sizes. From small size to large size showers to multiple shapes like square, rectangular and circular type.

Brushed gold showers also come with LED features. The color of light changes with a temperature change. When water is hot, the LED displays red color, while when it is blue, the color of light is blue. Thus, the person taking a bath has an idea of temperature before showering. Moreover, one can adjust the temperature manually through remote control or through automatic adjustment. Thus, such showers offer a soothing bath experience. One can enjoy taking a shower by adjusting the spray style. One can change to rainfall style, waterfall style, or tiny rain type droplets feature in some gold shower. A brushed gold finish is beneficial because it does not get tarnished with time and stays fresh for a long time. If used with care and prevented from acid or detergent, the gold finish is not worn out. Thus, one should use a simple cloth to remove stains or watermarks. One best thing is that no fingerprints embedded on this type of showerhead.